CAGD-373 Game Asset Production

 Dead by Deadlight Scene

Final Sprint:

For this last sprint, my main job was texturing. I felt this sprint a little short because it was the last one. I just had to finish some textures of my own models (and well as adding a square hay bale), as well as some objects of a teammates. I like this sprint since texturing is one of the most fun parts for me, so that may have contributed to the feeling of being short.

First of all, I finish the rest of my textures. These ones included the wooden wheel, shack and basement. These textures took me the longest, since the base material for the basement was hard to look for. The specific appearance of the basement makes it hard to imitate them. I ended up making something that was simpler and more similar for the walls. I also decided to add more details of blood or marks that could make the illusion of being the killer’s place.

Next, I model the new hay bale that we would be using in the scene. I also texture this object together with the wooden wheel. To be honest, these ones were really easy to make and took the least amount of time to finish them. The UVs for the hay bale were also easy to include in the current texture set of all the props that I made.

And finally, I made the textures for the models of one of my teammates. I also had to do the arrangement of the UVs too. The UVs were a little challenging at first since I did not know how the object was made (especially for the killer’s hook), but after a while, I was able to fix them and was able to have them fit into one texture set. The texturing of these props where fun to make. I was a little confused with the killer’s hook, since I had never played the game and saw a lot of different types of hooks for different maps of the game and wasn’t sure which one was the prop made up from. At the end I had fun texturing this piece too, since I felt a little bit more freedom in how I would do them.

To conclude, this sprint was really good. I was able to finish all my tasks on time and felt like the progress that I made was good for the amount of time I had left. I had fun coming up with new ideas on how to make the different models of the objects that I was tasked with, especially since the game was something new for me. I experience a lot of difficulties, but this helps me to learn new ways to deal with those problems. I do not think that I made the best work of my life, but I definitely got the experience to know how to deal with the different problems that future projects may bring. I am really happy with the work I’ve done, and I hope I can get better in the future.

Sprint 5:

This sprint was a little bit slow for me due to the holydays. I was mostly focusing on other thing other than working on projects. But this does not mean I did not work on anything. I did a good amount of work for the short time that I was working.

For starters, I fixed all my UVs to start texturing. When I started texturing, I notice that some of the pieces of UV were backwards when I stack them together (this was done to save up time while texturing and to make it look more cohesive). This was causing a lot of troubles because it made the textures look like they were broken. I started to look for all the pieces that were stack backwards and rotate them to the correct position. This was mostly done on the barn, since it has a lot of individual pieces to be fixed and in the end I decided to separate all of them to save time. This was a lot of work and time consuming because of it. I don’t know why it change position of some of the UV shelfs.

The next thing that I did was to start texturing. This is one of my favorite parts and one of the most frustrating too. Due to some software troubles, this process got delay until I was able to fixed my Substance Painter, which rested to the amount of time I had to work. But when I finished with this problem, the rest went smoothly (aside from the problems with the UVs). I had a lot of fun to coming with new ideas to use pre-existing textures with new ones that I made using those existing ones. For example, I could not find a texture for the hay, which was becoming a problem. But I was able to came with the idea to use a grass texture as hay by changing colors and adding more roughness and texture with different masks. At the end, I really like how they are coming along. So far, the only thing that needs to be texture are the shack and basement, which would not take much time because they are more simple ones.

To conclude, this was a weird sprint for me. I feel like I did not do much because of the time, but when writing all of the problems that I went through, it was more than other sprints. Even if it was not the perfect or planed sprit, I am happy with the results so far. For my next sprint, I will try to finished all the textures of this set and model the last piece that we need (a hay bale).

Sprint 4:

This sprint was an interesting one for me. I had the task of making the props that go inside the shack and the basement. At first, I thought it was going to be an easy task, until I paid more attention to all the props that were inside it and noticed that it was more than I had expected. 

First of all, I finished the last pieces of the shack. This one included the windows and the support of the roof. These were easy to make, but a little tricky to assemble. Some of the pieces where poking out of the roof and had to make adjustments one by one to make it look good. The windows in itself were really easy and simple. Thanks to those last pieces, the shack look even better than before. 

The next pieces are the props. These were really fun to make. Although I did not finished all the props (I still need to do the ones for the basement), I was able to finish all the top props. These props are: pitchfork, shovel, sealing cables, fabric, mountain of hay, wooden wheel, and broken door. Some of them where pretty easy to make (like the mountain of hay), but others were really tricky and somewhat frustrating (like the pieces of fabric).  After a few tries, I was able to get decent looking pieces for the tricky ones, so I am overall happy with the result.

To conclude, I really like this sprint. I was able to finished most of my task, since I did not contemplated to have so many props to make and the difficulty of some of them. They where also UVed alongside their modeling, so I was able to advance more than expected. For the next sprint, I’ll finish with all the modeling for the props and start texturing all the objects together.

Sprint 3:

This sprint was a bit slower for me. I got a job to do the shack/basement of the scene. I was slower on doing this work due to other classes, but it was still fun to do. I was able to learn how to make stairs to look more proper thanks to this model too.

Let’s start with the shack. This one was easy to make, because it was all a single piece, I decided to make each wall separate to be able to UVing them more easily. The only complicated part of this section was the roof. Because the original roof had some holes in it, I try to imitate that with different pieces and some missing faces. I am not completely happy with how this turned out, but I hope I can fix it with textures later.

Now with the basement. This was interesting to make because of the complicated shape it had. This was also the section that had the stairs and, as I mentioned before, I was able to make stairs in a different way than I used to do them, which make them look more proper and realistic. The basement complicated shape makes it hard to UVing, but after knowing the patter flow after a few cuts, it was easier to figure out how to cut each piece. The stairs where pretty easy to UV

Overall, I would like to do more in this sprint. I wanted to finish the props inside the shack and basement, but I did not have the time for it, it is going to be made on next sprint, which may make me have other work set down. I will work harder to not make my team’s work get slower, and I hope the next sprint goes smoothly to make that happen. 

Sprint 2:

This sprint was fun for me. I got as a job to do the barn, wagon, lockers and two different types of water barrels for the scene. Most of them, aside from the barn, were easy to make and quick to finish. But the barn was different.

Let’s start with the barn. This one was a little bit more complicated to make. I decided to make with each part as an individual piece (meaning that each wood board was individual). I decided to make it like this so The texturing would be more cohesive and would look more realistic. This took a lot of the tricount, which I hope would not affect in the future negatively to all my teammates and myself. While doing the UVing of this piece, I find some problems too with some of the faces of the trim separating the bottom with the top floor. I have not find a solution yet to this problem, but the rest of the object was fine.

Now with the rest. Like I mentioned before, the rest of the objects were really simple and fast to make. They did not presented any problems either with the UVing. So far, my favorite piece is the locker, which I decided to make functional (the doors can open and close like a normal locker would). The water barrels are different and look like ones that would be use in a farm, as well as a wagon being a metal one that would be hook to a car or truck.

Overall, I love this sprint. Aside from the problem with the UVing on the barn, it went smoothly and I did more than what was planed to be made on the Sprint 2.

Sprint 1:

In this sprint, the main focus would be the recollection of source images as well as investigating and analyzing the game itself. I have never played Dead by Daylight before, so I was a little confuse on what the game was about, aside from the few videos that I saw of it before.


Game overview
First, I started to watch some videos of the game, specifically the level or similar levels that we were going to recreate. I tried to familiarize myself with the concept of the game and its playability.

Secondly, I started to look for reference images for the modeling that I was task to do. For the modeling, I have to do a barn that would serve as prop and also as a second building. For the gathering of source images, I decided to look for different images that would show the outside and inside of the barn. Although the game seems to have different types of barns, I decided to focus on one that seems to be the most popular (as shown on the images).


Textures Example
Thirdly, I decided to look for different textures that would look as similar as the ones used on the original game. For this, I decided to use some of the textures provide by Substance Painter and some others that could be find for free in different websites.


Overall, I am really exited for this project. Even if I haven’t played the game before, the appearance of the game is similar to some games that I had played before like Silent Hill and even The House of the Dead. Is not completely similar, but still gives the same aesthetic.

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Blog purpose This blog is to keep track of the  works that have done on my different classes in Chico State University.