CAGD230 Digital Modeling

Part 2: Checkpoint 2  - Props and UVing

For this assignment, we had to model different props that were going to be use on our rom for decoration and to make it seem more alive. Out of the variety of options that we had to choose, I decided to make some that could work with the style of my room (in this case something that seems modern but mystic).

I decided to UVing all my objects while making them, so I would have an idea on how many textures sets I would end up having. In this case, it was similar in number to the original project’s texture sets. 

This time, I did not have to much troubles modeling. The ideas came to my mind more easily and the modeling was easier than before do to the experience that I have so far, which make the modeling so much faster for objects like the TV, books, wine set, candle and its holder, crystals, and vases. However, I find it difficult to model and UVing the wall clock because of the complicated aspect of it, and I also think that I could have done a better job modeling it or cutting in the vertices count too. Aside from that, I really enjoy coming up with ideas to decorate this room, and I am glad to see my improvement so far.

For my next part of the project, I am hoping to finish everything: Finished modeling the last parts of props that I want, texture everything, putting everything in Unity, and any other thing that I may have left (like fixing UV maps that are broken or that could be improve).

Part 2: Checkpoint 1  - Turntable

For this assignment, I had to make a turn table to show my room on Unity. I had to add an animation to the turntable on Unity so this one could turn in circles, and it could show all the objects that the room has so far.

As for my UVs and textures, they stayed the same as last time (3 sets in total). I had to combine each set of UVs to be able to apply they correspondent textures in Unity and so it would be more easy to apply them when exported to it. 
I didn’t find too many difficulties with this assignment because we receive tutorials on how to do the turntable on Unity by Josh. Thanks to that, I was able to finish this checkpoint in a few minutes. One thing that could be considered a difficulty could be the fact that, because I never had done a turntable in Unity before, I was more slow to catch how to make it. Aside from that, the checkpoint was not difficult at all.

For my next checkpoint, I am hopping I could start working with some of the decorations that are need it for this room (even if I started to make some of them already). This has been one of the things that I wanted to do the most because of the versatility and freedom that is given to us to select as many decorations as we want. I think I would find a lot of troubles with this section because of some of the shapes that my objects have that may be difficult to UV.

Part 1: Checkpoint 4 - Modeling and UV'ing

For this assignment, I finished all the remaining UVings that I had left, as well as fixing the closet, the wall shelf, the corner walls and the window. I also was able to finished the textures of all my texture sets (I had 3 in total).

I had troubles texturing because the ID of my textures were mixing with each other, so I was not able to texture base on color. The colors were mixing even if the objects were separated objects (e.g. the sheet and pillows were mixing colors where they touched, which make it difficult to paint them). I also find difficult using some textures because it was not what was I looking for (the given textures in painter were not satisfactory enough and I was not able to change the color of the textures given in the free website that was recommended. I also was not able to download texture from the official Painter site because I needed to pay for it).

 Another difficult that I found was making the window. The extrusion for the wall was not easy to do because it was moving in different directions when I try to move them at the same time.
Aside from that, I really enjoyed textures and trying to work with what I had, even if it was not what was I hoping for. In the end I manage to make it work and look decent enough to satisfy what I had envision my room to be so far. 
If I could change something, I would be to find a better way to solve my problems or an easy way to fix them.

Part 1: Checkpoint 3 - Modeling and UV'ing

For this assignment, I decided to finish all the necessary modeling and UV’ing that was possible. These models included the bed, chair (the new version), the lamp, the celling lights, the closet, the window, and the bed. I also UV all of these objects as well as the dresser. 

I needed to look for some references for the lamp because my lap was not showing the inside of it. 

I had troubles UV’ing most of these objects, especially the chair, because of their shapes and many parts. I also had some troubles with the amount of polygons that I had because my computer started to run low due to the amount of work that is doing. Aside from that, I really enjoyed modeling these room and coming with new ideas for my personal room in the future. Although is really simple and does not have much decoration (which I hope I would have time to decorate some of it), I really like how is turning out so far.

I discovered that is easier to model through separate pieces instead of trying to create a single-piece object. But it still was difficult to model for me, which become a challenge due to the amount of time that I had to model.

For next week, I would start doing the ID and low colors to export them to Painter and, hopefully, finished it all of it in Unity.

Part 1: Checkpoint 2 - Modeling and UV'ing

For this assignment, I decided to start modeling some of the furniture that my room would have. Some of the model objects were also UV’ing, and those include the wall, the ceramic floor tiles, the night stand, the picture frame, the minifridge, the table, and the bookshelf.

I ended up looking for more references for the ceramic floor tiles and the minifridge because they were a new add to my room scene.

The challenges that I had with this assignment were the modeling of some of the objects. One of them was the chair because of the shape that I want it to have. I spend a most of my modeling time on it because I could not make the shape look natural enough, and even thought I completed the modeling of it, I would have to remodel it because the UV’ing part of it is not working either (at least on the main frame of the chair. The legs and cushion of the chair works perfectly fine).

Another challenge that I encounter were the UV’ing of some of the objects like the ceramic tiles, but after deleting some extra faces that weren’t noticeable, it became one of the most easiest ones. The rest of the UV’ing were easy to do due to the shape that they have.

For next week, I would continue modeling the rest of the objects that I have left, as well as UV’ing them. I also would have to redo the  chair and try to make it more easy to UV it. 

 Part 1: Checkpoint 1 - The Block-out

For this assignment, I decided to make a room that I would like to have in the future. The block out of this room is simple and do not have much to define of each object that I want to get on the room (additional objects may appear). 

For my references, I decided to use modern-gothic room style for the furniture and color scheme use on this room. 

I also used the same ideas for decorations and furniture that are shown in these images.

The challenges that I face were minimum. This time I was having more troubles with the preferences and cameras on Maya because they change features from the classroom computer to mine. Even with those problems I was able to work normally on those, even with the confusion. Other than that, I didn’t experience any difficulties with the amount of space on the room or the placement of the objects.

For next week, I would be working on making the molding for the walls as well as working on part of the furniture, which is more complex than any other thing in the room or than the molding on the walls.

This project would help me to make a mockout of a future room that I would have, and I am really exited to give me ideas and a better understanding on how it could work out or how it could look out. It can also give ideas to the person who would help me design this room.

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